Notes from
Mouth #57
January 2000


graphic of cover of magazine says Who's In Charge.







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Contents of this sample of Mouth magazine:

Mouth #57 also includes articles by John O'Brien, Barbara Knowlen, and Larry Biondi. O'Brien took on the subject of strings being attached to the ideal of self determination. "It seems straightforward," he says. It's not always so when ideal meets systematized reality.
Knowlen gave us two articles on current events. One related that centers for independent living seem to think that "those people" with psych histories ought to get a different sort of independence. "We have met the enemy," she concludes, "and he is us."
Knowlen's second article gave a blow-by-blow account of one man's escape "from death's door nursing home in Florida to the Mayo Clinic." Barbara was in on the whole adventure.
Larry Biondi relates his long struggle to get state voc rehab to subsidize his purchase of an assistive speech device. When he first opened his mouth to ask for it, "and I let my CP accent loose on him, Charley came unglued. He told me to relax. 'Just relax.' Then he called my office to ask my co-workers to translate me for him. You probably think I'm making this up."
Naturally, Mouth likes it better when you buy the whole issue. It's 48 pages this time around, with all the stories and news and cartoons, but still without ads.

To get your copy, send $5 to Mouth, PO Box 558, Topeka, Kansas 66601-0558 and specify #57. Better yet, order it in our Attitude Catalog online store.