Mouth #63, As Others See Us, Revisited.


Cover of Mouth, January 2001.This time we can see ourselves as others have seen us through history.

A 26-page pictorial centerpiece takes us through five milennia of our own largely unknown history. The enlightening text is translated by our editor from more than forty academic sources.

This historic Mouth #63 also includes: The national ballot on self determination, Dave Hingsburger's "Stare Way to Hell," and Dee Lesnecki SAYS.

Dee is the rural Pennsylvania mom who tied herself to the flagpole at her son Max's school for 20 days and nights when the school refused to obey a federal court order for Max to be educated. Her community rose up against her, even tried to kill her, but she won.


Our website will include the contents of only about three pages of a 26-page pictorial history of freaks, monsters, and people with disabilities. Beginning in 2800 B.C., ending in 2001 A.D., the history of five milennia are covered -- in a brisk 5,000 words or less -- in the current Mouth. For the rest, we hope you will subscribe. Or purchase the single issue. Here's the link to do either or both. Meanwhile, here are brief excerpts.




Clinton's Last Promise


Power News: Death on the Menu

Self-Determination Ballot

The Flagpole Mom SAYS

Monument to Professionalism

As Others See Us, Part 2

Building the Perfect Beast
by Lucy Gwin

Explaining the Significantly Other

Christians Throw Freaks to Lions

Freaks of Science

Animal, Vegetable, Criminal

Objects of Charity

A place in the Country

Objects of Charity

Freaks on the Loose

Stare Way to Hell


Barbie & Ken in convertable

"If their ideals of human beauty are properly trained, 'young people will unconsciously reject the ugly and fill their homes with beautiful wives and handsome husbands.'" Albert Wiggam, Fruit of the Family Tree, 1916, quoted by Martin Pernick in The Body and Physical Difference.



To buy our As Others See US Issue ($4), take this link to the Attitude Catalog.