graphic that says Mouth Magazine July - August 2000

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"My anger is the truth."
--- Naomi Ortiz

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Mouth is a bi-monthly disability rights magazine whose readers' only special needs are for human rights and straight talk.

Here's an online sampler from
our tenth anniversary edition.

poster of the statue of liberty in a wheelchair, lifting her torch up high

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Places to go

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* The Mouth Chronicles,
a quick high-points tour of our ten years with not one single photo of an awards ceremony or even a charity gala.

* Home Page
an index to the entire and shocking Mouth website where Everything You Know Is Wrong

* July's GOOD News
and for once there's plenty of it

* July's Not-So-Good News
that you can jump in and do something about (You guys are good at that.)

* News after press time, to August, 2000

* Candace Hawkins SAYS, an interview with a woman who is changing the world

* Or maybe you'd prefer to go straight to the good stuff, July's cartoons
by Scott Chambers

On July 26, 2000, America celebrated
the tenth anniversary of the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Meanwhile, nearly two million law-abiding
Americans are locked up for the crime
of having a disability.
Go figure.

Lady Liberty, You get out there and go, girl!

* Or shop our Attitude Store.
You never outgrow your need for attitude.

Naomi Ortiz, quoted above ("My anger is the truth"), sent us a wonderful letter when she first discovered Mouth. The entire letter is reproduced in the Mouth Chronicles. If anger is kind of scary to you, click here to read more.

This website is hosted by DIMENET, through the good offices of TRIPIL, one of our nation's finest centers for independent living.
Both are our friends forever and neither are responsible for the errors that turn up now and then. When you disagree with the content on this website, as many helpers (both professional and amateur varieties) do, blame it on the Mouth.